CEO Insight

  1. 2024-07-16

    CEO Insight: A significant yen correction is only a matter of time

    Anyone wishing to realize a currency premium when investing in Japanese real estate should no longer think too long when selecting a property. Apart from that, Japanese real estate remains highly attractive as an investment.

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  2. 2024-06-17

    CEO Insight: Japan has learnt its lessons from the Great Financial Crisis

    While the US is seeing a resurgence of risky real estate securitization to the detriment of investors, Japan has strengthened its financial supervision and will not abandon foreign real estate investors.

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  3. 2024-05-31

    CEO Insight: More safety for real estate investors in Continental Europe

    The capital-driven US property market often promises high returns but a recent big loss of a top-rated CMBS bond emphasizes the downside of such investments. European investments and security backers tend to be fairer, safer, and more reliable.

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  4. 2024-05-16

    CEO Insight: Japan’s institutional property market reaches full maturity

    In pursuit of greater capital efficiency, more and more Japanese companies are selling land and buildings. This is likely to triple the market volume.  

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  5. 2024-04-15

    CEO Insight: Diversification is the order of the day

    Decoupling and deglobalization mean that property markets are no longer moving in international harmony. Investors need to broaden their investment strategy and in doing so there is no way around Japan.

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  6. 2024-03-15

    CEO Insight: Expert advice rather than gut feeling, listening rather than knowing better

    Japanese real estate has long been a must-have, not a nice-to-have, and should be part of any global investment strategy.

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  7. 2024-02-15

    CEO Insight: Blessed are those who are invested in Japan

    Western investors are taking advantage of the strength and liquidity of Japan’s property market. The current reluctance on the buyer side has no performance-specific causes, while sellers are benefiting from the stability of the market.

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  8. 2024-01-15

    CEO Insight: Japan proves its reliability even during disasters

    Intensive preparations for emergencies reduce the impact of earthquakes and preserve the value of Japanese real estate.

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  9. 2023-12-11

    CEO Insight: A world turned upside down: Japanese investors support Western real estate markets

    The wave of overseas purchases by institutional investors from Japan is also the result of the foresight of the Bank of Japan, which has not been deterred by inflation.

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  10. 2023-12-11

    CEO Insight: German real estate market opens unique window of opportunity for Japanese buyers

    Japanese investors have a rare buying opportunity in Germany before the core European market is expected to recover from late 2024/early 2025.

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