Kensho Investment Group

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Tokyo Metropolitan Area residential land prices increase for 11th consecutive quarter

Another confirmation regarding the resilience of Japanese real estate: Nomura Real Estate Solutions has announced the results of a survey on “residential land price trends” in the Tokyo metropolitan area as of April 1, 2023. The average rate of change for the January-March quarter of 2023 for residential areas in the Tokyo metropolitan area was 0.7% (previous survey: 0.7%), the 11th consecutive quarter of positive growth. By area, all areas posted positive figures for the 11th consecutive quarter. Tokyo (23 wards) 1.1% (1.3%), Tokyo (overall) 0.9% (0.5%), Kanagawa 0.5% (0.3%), Saitama 0.6% (0.5%), Chiba 0.5% (0.7%).

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